Rendering Gallery



Here's a collection of my most recent works in 3ds max and Photoshop

Please have a gander:

I update this page usually once a week with new images and whatnot.. (Best viewed at 1280 x 1024)

If you have any comments about stuff you see here, please don't hesitate to tell me what you think.

(I must apologize to those with a 56k connection. This is a free hosting service with very limited options. So therefore, no thumbnails.)


The Nile (back in the day)

This is currently a work in progress. A continuation of a previous image.

Based on a painting by Bob Ross. He's an awesome hippie. Needless to say, his is far more detailed and colourful.

More trees. The water fall is a noisy cone, later smudged around in Photoshop.

Attempt at open-shutter type things.

Tried something different here. Not a tree in sight!

All material Copyright 2004 Mark Komorowski. Any unauthorized use may be hazardous to your health.